Home Page

Welcome To Our Website

This club is the only Roller Canary Club in the Northwest and is actually the largest of the two remaining Roller Canary clubs west of the Mississippi.

We have club meetings on a quarterly basis and one of our most helpful activity is the publishing of a monthly Newsletter for our members. That Newsletter is also available by subscription to non-members.

The primary objectives of this club are:

a. To advance and promote the GERMAN ROLLER CANARY fancy.

b. To share information and fellowship with every other Roller Canary breeder.

c. To interest the public in the Roler Canary hobby and it’s goals.

d. To promote nd sponsor an annual song contest.


Present Officers of the club are:

Name                     Office                 Phone Number    Email Address

Almin Omic    President    425-894-9703    roller@canaviary.com

James Hays    Vice President  206-790-8013  jhays317@gmail.com

Carol Tucker  Secretary  510-229-3949  happysongdwt12@gmail.com

Almin Omic    Treasuer    425-894-9703    roller@canaviary.com


Feel free to contact any of us if you have a question.

Please visit our website often and you are welcome at any of our meetings. We would also be delighted to have you join the club. 

We will be uploading some videos of exceptional harzer roller canary (Edelroller) performance in the future.  It is very important to identify the basic tours roller canary sings and they are Hollow Roll, Knorre (Bass Roll), Hollow Bell and Flute.  Besides basic tours some birds can also sing side tours like Water Roll, Bell Roll, Bells, Schockel and Glucke.

© A. Omic 2024